Speed Management Plan open for submissions

Published on 20 March 2023


Consultation on our Speed Management Plan, which proposes to lower the speed limit of 13 out of 19 Upper Hutt schools to 30km/h, is now open. 

The New Zealand Government has launched the Road to Zero (R2Z) strategy 2020-2030, which targets a 40% reduction in deaths and serious injuries by 2030. 

Upper Hutt City Council, along with Waka Kotahi, has a shared responsibility to bring about safe and appropriate speed reduction measures to facilitate lower impact speed, especially to vulnerable road users around schools. 

We’re focusing on infrastructure improvements and speed management, an intervention to help our community achieve lower speed limits around schools. 

While we don’t have the ability to change the 30km/h mandate around schools, we would like your feedback on some additional aspects of the plan which include: 

  • The boundaries of the speed reductions
  • Whether you’d prefer a variable or permanent reduction in speed in these areas 
  • What you think about additional traffic calming measures, like road humps 

We’re also asking for your feedback on a proposed speed reduction for Messines Ave and Alexander Road between Freyberg Road and Ward Street, and Moonshine Hill Road between River Road and Kirton Drive. 

We’re holding a drop-in session on Saturday, 1 April 10:00am - 12:00pm in The Rotary Lounge at the Central Library, Upper Hutt so you can ask questions. 

Find out more and have your say here: www.letskorero.upperhuttcity.com/smp