How and when to pay your rates

The current rating year started on 1 July 2025 and will end on 30 June 2026.   

The first instalment for the new rating year will be sent out at the end of July and will be due on 2 September 2024.

The annual rates are divided into four instalments. An invoice is sent for each instalment.  The new rates will be finalized and set in mid-July.  You can search for the annual rates on any property using the rates property search.   

Instalment Invoice sent Invoice due
One July 2 September 2024
Two October 2 December 2024
Three January 3  March 2025
Four April 3  June 2025


Ways to pay

You can pay property rates in a few different ways. Click on the tabs below for detailed information on each method of payment.

Direct debit

Direct Debit (DD)

Direct Debit is Council's preferred method of payment. 

To set up a new Direct Debit, you can use the paperless form on our website or get in touch to have a form sent to you by email or post.

Direct Debit application

  • Please allow at least 3 working days for us to process your Direct Debit
  • Direct Debits can be set up using the online form on our website - click the big pink button above to go to that form.
  • Direct Debit payments are offered weekly, fortnightly, monthly or every time an invoice is due. 
  • Council charges nothing extra to pay by Direct Debit
  • Direct Debits are run every work day to offer maximum flexibility
  • If your selected payment date ever falls on a day when Council is closed, your payment will be requested on the next normal business day.

For the amount of the weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debits, you can either leave the amount on the form blank or contact the rates office to figure the payments for you.  If you leave the amount blank, we will provide the correct amount when we confirm the direct debit back to you.  

To cancel a Direct Debit authority, please contact the rates office.

To change a Direct Debit, you will need to submit a new Direct Debit Authority to Council for the new bank account.  We only allow one Direct Debit to be in place on an account at a time.  We will cancel your existing authority with us and replace it with the new one.

You can reach the rates office by email or call us on 04-527-2169.

Pay online

Pay online with our Payment Portal

Pay through our online portal

With our online payment portal you can pay your rates from:

  • a credit card (there is a 1.4% convenience fee on credit card payments.); or
  • from your bank account

When paying online please be sure to clear the balance on each invoice in full by the due date to avoid penalties.  You will need the valuation number from your invoice when making a payment via the payment portal.  The valuation number is displayed in the upper right hand corner of your invoice.

Pay online directly through your bank using their online banking portal

You can pay your rates using the online bill payment provided by your bank.  If you choose to pay online through your bank, your bank statement acts as the receipt for your payment. 

  • When paying online through your bank, please remember to clear the invoice in full by the due date to avoid penalties.  
  • Please use the six digit "property number" shown on your invoice as the reference on your payment.  The property number is displayed on the right side of the invoice in the big white circle.
  • Council banks with ANZ.  Our account number is 01-0771-0018890-03.  When paying from overseas, you will also need the SWIFT code ANZBNZ22


In person

In person 

You can pay in person Monday to Friday at the following locations:

Upper Hutt City Council
Civic Centre
838-842 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt - 8am to 5pm except Wednesday which is 9am to 5pm

Greater Wellington Regional Council
100 Cuba Street, Wellington - 8am to 4pm

Greater Wellington Regional Council
34 Chapel Street, Masterton - 8am to 4:30pm

Please remember to bring your account with you. You can pay using:

  • Cash

*Credit cards can be used for payment at Upper Hutt City Council offices, but there is a 1.4% convenience fee.

Telephone banking

Telephone banking is a good option for those who do not have access to electronic banking options.

Please contact your bank to set this up.

Your rates invoice includes all the details you and your bank will need, so please have it handy when contacting them.

You've received a penalty notice.  Can we help?

If you think you've gotten a penalty in error, let us know.   We will help work through what happened and may be able to remove the penalty.

We can be reached in person at our office, by phone on 04-527-2169, or by email at


Having trouble paying the rates?  Get in touch with us so we can help.

After a couple of reminders, we will start the debt collection process.  Don't wait for that to happen.  Get in touch now if you are having problems paying.  We'll walk you through all the different payment options to help find something that will help you get through the rough spot.

You can visit us in person at our office, contact us by phone on 04-527-2169, or email us at



Standard rates penalties:

  • Rates instalment penalties applied after each instalment due date - 10% of the instalment amount or the balance, whichever is less
  • Rates arrears penalties applied in July and January - 10% of any unpaid balance from the previous rating year

Avoid penalties by ensuring you pay the full amount due by the due date on each invoice or set up a direct debit (DD) with Council that will allow you to spread the payments for the rates over the entire rating year without incurring penalties.