Infrastructure Acceleration Fund application moves to next stage

Published on 17 November 2022

Photo of a construction site

Housing Minister Megan Woods announced on Thursday morning that Upper Hutt City Council is eligible to receive $12.4 million from the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF), which would fund critical transport upgrades in the area and enable a large, high-density housing development planned within part of the Trentham Racecourse in Upper Hutt.   

This is part of a $539.8 million nationwide investment from the IAF on groundwork like pipes, roads and flood protection which will enable thousands of new homes in communities. 

This funding opportunity for Upper Hutt is proposed to enable the development of around 850 new homes within a mixed-use development that will include residential apartments, aged-care homes and community amenities. The funding would go towards transport upgrades. 

It is expected the new infrastructure at Trentham will provide the necessary capacity to support the development, while also increasing the resilience of the entire Upper Hutt transport network.  

Mayor Wayne Guppy says this is a unique opportunity for Upper Hutt and shows confidence in the city.  

"This project receiving funding shows that our plans for growth are aligned with the Government’s position on the infrastructure projects needed for housing development. 

"Council is committed to planning for and accommodating growth by providing for a range of housing across our city. It is important to help address the housing shortfall and impending population growth over the coming years. 

"The next steps for Council are now to investigate options for transport improvements and undertake important public consultation and decision-making processes."

Council Director of Asset Management and Operations, Geoff Swainson, says that as with all developments, further Council decision-making processes will need to be followed under the Resource Management Act, and in the next 2024-34 Long Term Plan (Councils 10-year plan).  

"These processes would require public consultation which is the opportunity for the community to have their say. 

"It is important to note that although the project has received funding through the IAF, it is no guarantee of future work commencing until other consultation and decision-making processes are completed."

The IAF is a key component of the Government’s $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund announced in March 2021. The contestable fund of at least $1 billion was launched on 30 June 2021 with an invitation for expressions of interest from councils, iwi and developers. The IAF will seek to enable housing development in areas of need throughout Aotearoa New Zealand through the allocation of funds.