2022 Community Grant applications now open

Published on 06 July 2022


Are you looking for funding for a project that will enhance a community service, programme or event? Why not apply for a Community Grant!

If you’re a local or regional not-for-profit group that provides a service to Upper Hutt residents, you are eligible to apply.

You can apply for indirect project costs or running costs for organisations involved in support work.

In the past, funding has been approved for things like operational costs, fees, equipment upgrades, garden improvements and counselling services etc. Last year Golder Homestead Museum Society secured funding to help with operating expenses.

To find out more and to apply, go to https://www.upperhuttcity.com/community-grants

Our Community Development Advisor will be in Upper Hutt Central library on 8th, 11th, 15th and 18th July between 1pm and 4pm to help with applications.