Terms and conditions

Use of this website

Upper Hutt City Council owns and operates this website.

By accessing or using this website and any online services, you are deemed to have accepted Upper Hutt City Council's terms and conditions of use. These include the terms and conditions set out in this page, together with any applicable terms or conditions on other parts of this website relating to any information content or online services.

Upper Hutt City Council may make changes to this website, online services, or to its terms and conditions of use at any time without notice.

You agree that your use of this website and any information and online services will comply with Upper Hutt City Council's terms and conditions and with all applicable laws.

Online services

Online services means any services Upper Hutt City Council provides online through this website for users to access, including for the provision of certain information, bookings and applications, and processing transactions and payments.


Transactions (including payments) through online services are binding on you. You should keep a copy of any transaction confirmation your records. You are entirely responsible for the accuracy of all details (including credit card details) you provide in relation to transactions you make through online services.

General copyright statement

Upper Hutt City Council owns this website and all its content (unless otherwise stated). The Council provides its permission to visitors to reproduce, store and use the content contained on this website for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only. The permission extends only to content owned by Upper Hutt City Council and does not extend to any material on this site that is identified as being the copyright of a third party or material that is subject to the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981. Further permissions or authorisations may be required for other uses of information or for the use of flags, emblems and protected names and the website visitor should make enquiries of Upper Hutt City Council, the appropriate third party prior, or the government Ministry administering the Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act 1981 prior to reproduction, storage or use. 

Trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this website are the registered or unregistered property of Upper Hutt City Council or others.  They are the property of their respective owners, and except as stated in the above paragraph may not be used without prior written permission of the owner.   

Links to other websites

This website may include links or references to other websites. Upper Hutt City Council does not control or endorse those websites and are not responsible for their content or activity. Your use of such links and other websites is your responsibility and is at your own risk.

Privacy statement

By using this website and any online services you are agreeing to Upper Hutt City Council collecting information about you. Upper Hutt City Council's Privacy Statement governs the way we may use your information. You consent to the use of your information in this manner. Please refer to our Privacy Statement for full details.  

Information sent electronically

By using this website and any online services, you agree to provide information and documents in electronic form and to the standards (and in the form) required for the relevant transaction, and you agree to receive information and documents from us, including in electronic form.

If someone submits or requests information on your behalf, we will treat that person as your agent and assume they have your consent to submit the information, make the request, and to receive information and documents from us in electronic form.


The information available on, or through, this website is not advice of any kind.  It is general information only.  It has been provided on a good faith basis by Upper Hutt City Council from sources that are believed to be reliable. 

The use of any such information is at the website visitor’s own risk and discretion. The visitor should always apply their own judgment and obtain professional advice before using or relying on it.  Accordingly the Upper Hutt City Council does not:

  • Make any warranty or guarantee, express or implied that:
    • the information provided is accurate, correct, complete or suitable for a particular use.
    • visitors will have uninterrupted or error free access to, and use of, the website.
    • any files downloaded will be free from viruses, faults or defects or errors.
    • the use of any downloaded material will not infringe on any privately owned rights.
  • Assume legal liability for the use of any such information or acts or omissions undertaken as result of the use of, or reliance on, that information. 
  • Make any promise or representation as to the past or future via this website or information contained within the website.
  • Endorse the material, products, services or organisations able to be reached by link from this website or guarantee the accuracy, correctness, completeness, or suitableness for any particular use of the information provided through such links, or the operation of such links. 

Governing law

These terms and conditions and any matters or disputes connected with this website or any online services will be exclusively governed by and interpreted in accordance with New Zealand laws and dealt with by New Zealand courts.

Contact us

If you have any feedback or comments about this website or the online services, or if you have any concerns about the accuracy of information or material contained on this website, please contact us.