Sporting Chance & Arts Participation Funds
Supporting children and young people in the arts and sport.
Sporting Chance and the Arts Participation Fund are two funds set up by Upper Hutt City Council, which aim to assist young people where financial hardship, as a result of COVID-19, is a barrier to participation in sports and physical activity and/or in art and culture.
These funds are about supporting families, affected financially by COVID-19 with the necessary equipment, clothing or other related costs to enable Upper Hutt children (ages 5 -18) to participate in sport or physical activity and/or art and culture.
This may include but is not limited to:
- Sports club or dance/art/music/culture/theatre ...etc. class fees
- Equipment not provided through the sporting club and or dance/art/music/culture/theatre classes.
- Uniform, footwear or clothing/costumes associated with sports or dance/art/music/culture/theatre classes
Sporting Chance Fund is administered by Activation.
Arts Participation Fund is administered by Whirinaki Whare Taonga.
For further details and to download application forms click here(PDF, 98KB)
Sporting Chance Fund - apply online here | Arts Participation Fund - apply online here